Hoboken Dog Trainer, New Jersey

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About the Trainer

Madeline has developed several programs, each targeted to achieve specific results. Her approach is not "one size fits all" and is customized to your and your dog's needs. Some of Madeline's programs include:

  • Off Leash Obedience (depending on breed, dog's natural inclinations, and location)
  • Standard (Basic) Obedience Skills Training
  • Extended (Intermediate to Advanced) Obedience Skills Training
  • Behavior Modification
  • Behavior Management
  • Aggression Control, Resolution and Management
  • Puppergarten - Head Start for Puppies (minimum two-hour visit first appointment with discount).  Puppergarten can help you prevent problems from developing before they begin.
  • Shelter and Rescue Dogs - can start while your dog is still in the shelter or with the rescue.
  • Enhancing communication skills with your pet is addressed in every program I offer.

Madeline volunteers for several area shelters and rescue groups statewide. In her free time she enjoys making fine jewelry, drawing, painting, writing, singing and yoga.

Madeline is insured and bonded by Mourer Foster Insurance Company

Madeline has developed several programs, each targeted to achieve specific results. Her approach is not "one size fits all" and is customized to your and your dog's needs. Some of Madeline's programs include:

  • Off Leash Obedience (depending on breed, dog's natural inclinations, and location)
  • Standard (Basic) Obedience Skills Training
  • Extended (Intermediate to Advanced) Obedience Skills Training
  • Behavior Modification
  • Behavior Management
  • Aggression Control, Resolution and Management
  • Puppergarten - Head Start for Puppies (minimum two-hour visit first appointment with discount).  Puppergarten can help you prevent problems from developing before they begin.
  • Shelter and Rescue Dogs - can start while your dog is still in the shelter or with the rescue.
  • Enhancing communication skills with your pet is addressed in every program I offer.

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